Bouquet – Saraden Designs

‘Bouquet’ is a beautiful piece which has been designed using small roses sculpted by hand with fabric. There is an array of colours from blues and pinks shades to greens and white. Bouquet This piece will definitely make you stand out from the crowd and can be matched with a Continue Reading -

Blackberry – Saraden Designs

‘Blackberry’ is a one of a kind piece which has been 100% created using Saraden Designs Handmade fabric. Pink and gold fibres have been combined in the fabric making process to give the fabric its unique colouring. This design can never be 100% replicated due its fabric uniqueness. Blackberry This Continue Reading -

Scribbley – Saraden Designs

Scribbley is a one of a kind piece which has been designed using Saraden Designs Handmade Fabric. Various techniques and fibers have been implemented in production and the fabric. Each piece has been shaped and then hand stitched together to give this full clustered look. This design has been created Continue Reading -

Ring a Ring A Rosé – Saraden Designs

Ring a Ring A Rosé is a one of a kind piece which has been designed using Saraden Designs Handmade Fabric. This fabric has been created by hand using various techniques and fibers by Sarah. Each individual element has been stenciled onto the fabric then cut out. Sarah has then Continue Reading -

Midnight – Saraden Designs Millinery

Midnight is a one of a kind piece which has been designed using Saraden Designs Handmade Fabric. This fabric has been created by hand using various techniques and fibers by Sarah. Each individual element has been stenciled onto the fabric then cut out. Sarah has then sculpted each piece into Continue Reading -

My Piece For London Hat Week

  The big reveal is finally here! The piece that was chosen to be exhibited at London Hat Week is Warrior. Each designer had to follow guidelines when submitting their pieces. The design had to be either inspired by a ‘painter, film or architecture, created hats with the help of a Continue Reading -