design blog

Dundalk Stadium Ladies Day
Sunday July 5th 2020

About the competition
Dundalk Stadium Virtual Ladies day – Judges @suzanneryanmillinery and @glammeetsgirl will choose the top 10 Best Dressed Ladies for the @crowneplaza.dundalk Virtual Ladies Day public vote! #12julyladiesdayin
How to Enter the Competition
- Entries are from the 1st – 8th July 2020
- Top 10 announced 9th judged by Suzanne Ryan Millinery
- Instagram vote from the 9th – 12th July
- Best dressed lady announced 12th July @ 5pm
Entering could not be easier
- Upload a picture of your outfit using #12JulyLadiesDayIn
- Tag @dundalk_stadium & @crowneplaza.dundalk
- Donate €4 & share screenshot

Sarah O’ Rourke wearing
Hat @saradendesigns Millinery
Dress @boohoo
Bag @kasura_boutique
Shoes @cariscloset_com

Margaret O’ Rourke wearing
Hat @saradendesigns Millinery
Dress @boohoo
Bag @dunnesstores
Shoes bought in Spain

Margaret O’ Rourke wearing Saraden Designs Millinery was selected for the top 10 most stylish hats