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London Hat Week exhibition 2022


About Hatalk Competition
The Theme | Close your eyes, take a deep breath and find your happy place.
The tenth annual HATalk Competition was all about focusing on what makes you smile. The brief was to create an original hat or headpiece using the theme ‘Happy Place’ as the inspiration for your design.
The concept of a happy place will mean different things to different people. It may be a physical location, a state of mind or something else entirely. This was an abstract theme that could be defined and interpreted in any number of ways. As always, we wanted everyone to be as creative as possible!
The closing date was Wednesday, 29 June 2022 and there were 110 entries.
This year, the judging was done in two phases. In early July, our expert judges – Denise Innes-Spencer and Judy Bentinck – chose a shortlist of 10 entries to go through to the next round.
Saraden Designs Piece Florence was chosen as one of the 10 shortlisted hats and was put on display at the 2022 London Hat Week Exhibition at Morley Gallery from 2-7 August, 2022.
Unfortunately I was unable to go to the exhibition but the staff in The Morley Gallery kindly took photos of my design for me. It was a privilege to be in the top 10 milliners and I really appreciated the opportunity.