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About #socircular
SoCircular – Celebrating Dublin’s Social & Circular Economy Ecosystem
SoCircular is an event to celebrate Dublin’s social and circular economy ecosystem and culture. It will:
- Showcase local social enterprises and circular enterprises and their products and services in an extensive trade expo
- Feature panel discussions on key social / circular economy themes as part of a summit
- Highlight ecosystem supports, resources and support organisations
- Celebrate through social and circular themed arts and cultural performances
The event aims to help transform Dublin by: highlighting and celebrating the social and circular economy ecosystem and associated culture, encouraging businesses and organisations to buy from and support local social and circular enterprises, promoting supports to help enterprises adopt circular / sustainability approaches, and through providing a forum for conversation, insights and ideas on developing a SoCircular Dublin.
Saraden Designs was asked to take part in #SoCircular 2022 in the Mansion House Dublin, Wednesday 5th October 2022 from 2pm – 6pm.
#SoCircular is an event to celebrate Dublin’s #Social and #Circular economy ecosystem and culture brought to life by @DCCEcondev – Economic Development Office, @DubCityCouncil – Dublin City Council, @LEODublinCity – Local Enterprise Office Dublin and @Dublin_ie – Dublin Place Branding Team.
The event itself allowed Circular Businesses to set up in the Mansion house and meet and greet the public. There were a number of talks on the day, live music, dancing and aerial acts.
It was a brilliant opportunity for Saraden Designs to be involved, meet other like minded business and network.